Mirrors, cleaned in 3 easy steps, by the Best and Most Thorough Residential House Cleaning and Maid Service in Glenview, IL.

Mirrors, cleaned in 3 easy steps, by the Best and Most Thorough Residential House Cleaning and Maid Service in Glenview, IL. Achieving Streak-Free mirrors is not a difficult task, it only needs some supplies, and lot’s of elbow grease, says the Most Thorough Residential House Cleaning and Maid Service in Glenview, IL., Dialamaidusa. Below are 3 easy steps that will enable you to clean and sparkle any mirror in the house, proclaims Dialamaidusa.

  1. Remove any tooth paste stains, hair spray residue, or gummy fingerprints, first, by spray the mirror with rubbing alcohol, straight, not diluted, says the Expert Residential House Cleaning and Maid Service in Glenview, IL., Dialamaidusa. Use throw away shop towels to rub the alcohol into the mirror and remove the spots. Be sure to only spray a little rubbing alcohol on at a time, due to the fact that rubbing alcohol does evaporate quickly. So spray and wipe immediately, says the Best Residential House Cleaning and Maid Service in Glenview, IL., Dialamaidusa.
  2. In a spray bottle, mix equal parts of white distilled vinegar and water. It’s a good idea to use distilled water instead of tap water. There are no minerals in the distilled water that can be left behind and cause streaks, says the Expert Residential House Cleaning and Maid Service in Glenview, IL., Dialamaidusa. Spray the mixture directly onto the mirror and wipe with a microfiber, lint free cloth, from top to bottom and from left to right. Do not use any store bought window cleaner, as these have lot’s of soap in them and can also cause streaks to occur, says the most Advanced Residential House Cleaning and Maid Service in Glenview, IL., Dialamaidusa.
  3. Touch up the finished mirror with a dry, fresh cloth. Buff out any cloudy parts. If there are any paint specks on the mirror, use a one-sided razor blade and cautiously scrape them away, says the Most Thorough Residential House Cleaning and Maid Service in Glenview, IL., Dialamaidusa.

Call Dialamaidusa, 847-869-6243, dialamaid@dialamaidusa.com, or visit www. Dialamaidusa.com, for the Best and Most Thorough Residential House Cleaning and Maid Service in Glenview, IL., servicing the whole North Shore and North West Suburbs of Chicago, IL.

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