Rubbing Alcohol Cleaning by the Most Thorough Residential House Cleaning Service in Winnetka, IL.

Rubbing Alcohol cleaning by the Best and Most Thorough Residential House cleaning and Maid Service in Winnetka, IL., Dialamaidusa. Rubbing alcohol is better for cleaning than even vinegar. Rubbing alcohol is used for disinfecting and cleaning most places in the kitchen. Isopropyl alcohol was invented in the 1920’s. Chemists realized that it had unique household properties for health and home.

 Rubbing alcohol is capable of sterilizing and disinfecting surfaces in your home, and it is one of the cheapest options for safe cleaners. An added advantage to rubbing alcohol is that it is very volatile. This means it will evaporate quickly without leaving a residue. There are very few substances you can use at home that are capable of disinfecting without leaving any residue behind, says the Most Thorough Residential House Cleaning and Maid Service in Winnetka, IL., Dialamaidusa.

It can clean stainless steel perfectly. It will disinfect, leave a nice sheen, and will clean up any greasy residue.

Rubbing alcohol removes sweat and dirt stains from clothes. Simply saturate the area with the rubbing alcohol and then dab it off. Wash it with normal soap and water. This works wonders at getting stains up from any fabric.

Rubbing alcohol gets up the waxy residue of crayons or markers from painted walls.

It also dissolves the dust and dirt from window blinds, without leaving any residue or water marks behind.Rubbing alcohol removes hairspray from surfaces. It also removes any sticky, gluey residues from windows, or items that have price tag residues left behind on them, says the Best Residential House Cleaning and Maid Service in Winnetka, IL., Dialamaidusa.

Mix 2 parts alcohol with 1 part aloe vera gel to make your own hand sanitizer.

Apply rubbing alcohol to a lint free cloth to clean electronic surfaces.

Make your own floor cleaner by mixing equal parts alcohol, vinegar and water. Add a few drops of liquid dish detergent and your floors will be squeaky clean, says the Premier Residential House Cleaning and Maid Service in Winnetka, IL., Dialamaidusa.

Call Dialamaidusa, 847-869-6243,, or visit www. for the Best and Most Thorough Residential House Cleaning and Maid Service in Winnetka, IL.

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