Some Easy Bathroom Cleaning Techniques by the Best Residential House Cleaning and Maid Service in Evanston, IL.

Some Easy Bathroom Cleaning techniques by the Best Residential House Cleaning and Maid Service in Evanston, IL. Our bathrooms can accumulate dirt, soap scum, mineral deposits, and grime quite readily, says the Most Advanced Residential House Cleaning and Maid Service in Evanston, IL., Dialamaidusa. Here are a few easy, and quick methods to clean and sanitize your bathroom fixtures, shower doors, and curtain liners.

  1. Extend the life of your curtain liner by tossing it into the washing machine, on the gentle cycle. Add ½ cup of detergent or ½ cup of vinegar. After it thoroughly washes, put it into the drier on the low setting for about 20 minutes. This will get all the excess water out and prevent mildew from accumulating. Hang it up immediately, when the drier stops. Your shower liner will look like new again, says the foremost Residential House Cleaning and Maid Service in Evanston, IL., Dialamaidusa.
  2. Keeping your shower, glass door clean can be a chore. It’s a good idea to use this spray and to use it after each shower. Mix 1 cup vinegar, 1 cup water, and 1 tablespoon dishwashing liquid together in a spray bottle. Shake it well. Spray it onto the glass door and let it sit for 15 minutes. Scrub it with a plastic, scrub brush. Rinse with warm water and dry with a dry cleaning cloth, says the Most Thorough Residential House Cleaning and Maid Service in Evanston, IL., Dialamaidusa.
  3. Brass fixtures that have tarnished can be brought back to life with the following solution. Put equal parts of Baking Soda and Lemon Juice in a bowl. Take an old toothbrush and scrub with thorough scrub the brass fixtures. Let the paste sit for a few minutes then rinse it off. Buff it with a clean microfiber cloth. Your Brass will glisten and be tarnish free, says the Premier Residential House Cleaning and Maid Service in Evanston, IL., Dialamaidusa.

Call Dialamaidusa, 847-869-6243,, or visit www., for the Best and Most Advanced Residential House Cleaning and Maid Service in Evanston, IL., servicing the whole North Shore and North West Suburbs of Chicago, IL.

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