Vinegar Window Washing Tips by the Most Thorough Residential House Cleaning Service in Winnetka, IL.

Vinegar window washing tips for the home, by the Best and Most Thorough Residential House Cleaning and Maid Service in Winnetka, IL. Vinegar is a miracle cleaner, completely non-toxic and anti- bacterial. It safely kills germs and is much more economical than chemical cleaning solutions, says the Most Thorough Residential House Cleaning and Maid Service in Winnetka, IL., Dialamaidusa.

The acidic composition of vinegar acts quickly to break down the kind of film that accumulates on glass surfaces. When you wash a window using a solution that has vinegar, the window will be streak-free and sparkling clean, says the Foremost Residential House Cleaning and Maid Service in Winnetka, IL., Dialamaidusa.

Here is a recipe for window washing, using vinegar, from Martha Stewart.

  1. Mix one part hot water to one part distilled vinegar.
  2. For Sponge cleaning the window, moisten the window, using the solution. Then clean.
  3. For squeegee cleaning, always dampen the squeegee first, then clean from the top down, wiping the edge of the squeegee after every stroke.

Clean only when there is no direct sun to avoid damage. Rinse and dry the window frames immediately to again, avoid damage to the window, says the Premier Residential House Cleaning and Maid Service in Winnetka, IL., Dialamaidusa.

From Green Living, here is another simple recipe.

In a spray bottle, mix 50% distilled vinegar and 50% tap water. For extremely grimy glass, prewash with very soapy water, then go the vinegar spray. And for highly resistant spots, rub hard with a cloth dipped in undiluted vinegar.

The best wipe to use to ensure squeaky, clean windows are paper towels, microfiber cloths, or newspaper. Whichever you choose to use, make sure it’s lint free, says the Best Residential House Cleaning and Maid Service in Winnetka, IL., Dialamaidusa.

Also, you can clean your window blinds with vinegar by donning on a pair of white, cotton gloves, and dipping your hands in a 50/50 solution of hot water and white vinegar. Then clean each blind individually by sliding your gloved fingers between each slat, says the Most Thorough Residential House Cleaning and Maid Service in Winnetka, IL., Dialamaidusa.

Call Dialamaidusa, 847-869-6243, or visit www., for the Best and Most thorough Residential House Cleaning and Maid Service in Winnetka, IL.

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